WRAS will soon be launching a new on-line application process for tap and shower related products. To use this system all users will need a login to the WRAS portal. If you have not been given a login please submit a completed customer information form to get access to the portal where you will be able to:
View and download your existing approval documents
Submit applications direct to WRAS
1) Complete an F2 application form and Schedule of Materials (F2B), available from WRAS upon request or by clicking here.
a) Please ensure the form is signed and dated and list every material in contact with wholesome water. Each non-metallic material should be accompanied by a valid WRAS Materials Approval number or valid BS6920 test report.
b) To avoid delay and/or confusion, please ensure the labelling of the schematic ‘match’ the items listed on the schedule of materials.
2) Contact a suitably accredited and WRAS recognised test facility. You can find the contact details of test facilities by clicking here.
a) The fee you pay is directly to the test house for the cost of mechanical and any necessary water quality testing, so this should be agreed directly with the laboratory. This also includes the administration charge for WRAS Approval.
b) The laboratory should assist you in preparing the applications and once necessary testing is complete, forward your complete application to WRAS and liaise with WRAS on your behalf.
c) If you have submitted your application to the laboratory prior to the 1st September 2021 you may have completed an older version of the F2 application form. This will only be accepted by WRAs if accompanied by the latest declaration F2D, which is available here.
3) The WRAS Administrators will check that your application meets the Scheme’s requirements. If it does not, WRAS will contact your test laboratory about the problems and what is required in order to resolve them.
4) When the application has been checked and is confirmed to be correct and complete, the assessor will forward a recommendation for approval to the WRAS Approval decision maker. Before an approval decision is made, application products are reviewed by the Product Approvals Advisory group at the Product Approval Meeting.
5) For applications which are awarded WRAS Approval, you will receive an approval letter and certificate bearing the unique listing/approval number and details of the product. WRAS will e-mail customers after the meeting with their approval number, where an email address has been provided. Details of the approval will also be entered onto the WRAS Water Products & Materials Directory
6) The listing/approval number is based on the date of the meeting at which the application was presented and expires five years after that date.
1) The process is the same as it was for a new approval (see above).
1) WRAS, as the approval body, are independent of the test facilities and do not carry out any testing.
2) Your chosen laboratory will advise on cost and time-scale of testing.
3) WRAS will not be aware of the status of your product whilst testing is being carried out.
4) The test house, acting as your agent, is responsible for liaising with WRAS on your behalf. WRAS will advise you if your application has been successful, the test laboratory will advise you if your application has not been successful.
A secondary product approval enables a retailer, wholesaler or other third party to sell or otherwise market a WRAS Approved Product under another trade name.
You can find all the information, application guidance and forms for secondary product approvals here.
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